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Our Services
The George & George ADR Group firm’s mission is to provide high quality, customized counsel to all of our clients. We accomplish this by developing, and maintaining, strong professional partnerships with our clients. These partnerships are founded on our ethics and comprehensive understanding of our clients’ daily business functions, and the challenges they face.
Mediation and ADR Services
Congratulations on pursuing Mediation as a means to resolve or prevent conflict in your life. Mediation is a powerful method of resolving disputes that allows the participants to end conflict without the expense and difficulties that litigation can bring.
Arbitration is one of several processes available for resolving disputes. Arbitration is an adversarial proceeding that offers a forum for dispute resolution outside of the supervision and control of the public court system. Dispute resolution through arbitration occurs when individuals and/or businesses mutually agree for their disputes to be resolved by independent third parties not affiliated with the public court system.
Immigration Form specialist
There are many USCIS forms immigrants need help with, like the I-485 (to become a permanent resident or “green card holder”) and the N-400 (application for U.S. citizenship).
“Peace is not absence of conflict, it is the ability to handle conflict by peaceful means.“
Ronald Reagan